Dear, Aphro[die]te

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Dana Royle


gender inequality, Greek mythology, modern art, women's rights, sculpture


Complexity encompasses the entirety of social life, which inspired me to utilise artistic forms, specifically sculpture, as a way to explore these ideas. The piece that I created (Figure 1), entitled Dear, Aphro[die]te, is an attempt to unmask our own ignorance surrounding different kinds of privilege, focusing on the enduring nature of gender inequality and the rights of women. This is not a subject that one can fully understand or solve while holding a singular perspective, and so to inspire more analytical thought on this subject, I created a modern tale describing the demise of Aphrodite. In this sense, the complex issue of gender inequality can be experienced in a way that one may not have felt before, allowing for the exploration of different perspectives and patterns of thought, observing the subject with new eyes and creating innovative ways to address gender inequities.

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