Published: 2016-12-21

This ANU Undergraduate Research Journal presents outstanding essays taken from numerous ANU undergraduate essay submissions. The breadth and depth of the articles chosen for publication by the editorial team and reviewed by leading ANU academics demonstrates the quality and research potential of the undergraduate talent being nurtured at ANU across a diverse range of fields.

While ANU is widely appreciated for its scholarly production at the professional and post-graduate levels, less is known about the extent and the quality of research conducted by the almost ten thousand undergraduate students who represent more than half of the university's enrollments. As we believe that this substantial share of the ANU community deserves equal attention to their more senior colleagues, and that originality, commitment and entrepreneurship are qualities to be found across the whole academic body, we seek here to exhibit a snippet of this year's undergraduate production.


Report on the Undergraduate Awards Global Summit

Matilda Gillis
Abstract 174 | PDF Downloads 99

Page 1–2

The relationship between population size and rates of language evolution

Caela Welsh
Abstract 107 | PDF Downloads 115

Page 11–18

Australian student visas: Assessing how the GTE requirement is assessed

Nishadee Perera
Abstract 300 | PDF Downloads 438

Page 75–85

Ezra Pound’s Imagist theory and T.S. Eliot’s objective correlative

Jessica Masters
Abstract 982 | PDF Downloads 1934

Page 87–100

This is how we drink up the sea: Liberal democracy and the prospect of truth

Natalia Beghin
Abstract 140 | PDF Downloads 81

Page 101–110

Regulation of sodium-dependent bicarbonate transporter, SbtA

Laura Wey
Abstract 166 | PDF Downloads 105

Page 111–116

Justice, Janus-like: The future of Australian personal injury compensation

Eleanor Wallis
Abstract 344 | PDF Downloads 542

Page 117–130

Image annotation with high-level words using generalised attributes

Qianyu Zhang
Abstract 185 | PDF Downloads 118

Page 151–169