This ANU Undergraduate Research Journal presents outstanding essays taken from numerous ANU undergraduate essay submissions. The breadth and depth of the articles chosen for publication by the editorial team and reviewed by leading ANU academics demonstrates the quality and research potential of the undergraduate talent being nurtured at ANU across a diverse range of fields.
While ANU is widely appreciated for its scholarly production at the professional and post-graduate levels, less is known about the extent and the quality of research conducted by the almost ten thousand undergraduate students who represent more than half of the university's enrollments. As we believe that this substantial share of the ANU community deserves equal attention to their more senior colleagues, and that originality, commitment and entrepreneurship are qualities to be found across the whole academic body, we seek here to exhibit a snippet of this year's undergraduate production.
Report on the Undergraduate Awards Global Summit
Abstract 174 | PDF Downloads 99Page 1–2
Rawls, rationality, and responsibility: Why we should not treat our endowments as morally arbitrary
Abstract 153 | PDF Downloads 207Page 3–9
The relationship between population size and rates of language evolution
Abstract 107 | PDF Downloads 115Page 11–18
Uncanniness and the everyday: Exploring the uncanny through vernacular photography and painting
Abstract 194 | PDF Downloads 130Page 19–28
The legality of Australia’s plain packaging legislation: Cuban cigars and geographical indication rights under the TRIPS Agreement
Abstract 214 | PDF Downloads 221Page 29–47
Technology as a driver of skills obsolescence and skills mismatch: Implications for the labour market, society and the economy
Abstract 361 | PDF Downloads 330Page 49–62
Hard-boiled homemakers: The individual and the dystopian urban in the Japanese anti‑detective novel
Abstract 243 | PDF Downloads 219Page 63–74
Australian student visas: Assessing how the GTE requirement is assessed
Abstract 300 | PDF Downloads 438Page 75–85
Ezra Pound’s Imagist theory and T.S. Eliot’s objective correlative
Abstract 982 | PDF Downloads 1934Page 87–100
This is how we drink up the sea: Liberal democracy and the prospect of truth
Abstract 140 | PDF Downloads 81Page 101–110
Regulation of sodium-dependent bicarbonate transporter, SbtA
Abstract 166 | PDF Downloads 105Page 111–116
Justice, Janus-like: The future of Australian personal injury compensation
Abstract 344 | PDF Downloads 542Page 117–130
Payments for environmental services and community-level socioeconomic wellbeing: Comparing programs in Vietnam and Australia
Abstract 187 | PDF Downloads 98Page 131–149
Image annotation with high-level words using generalised attributes
Abstract 185 | PDF Downloads 118Page 151–169
Just a little bit of healthy competition: An assessment of the neoliberal policymaking paradigm as it relates to the United States healthcare system
Abstract 226 | PDF Downloads 107Page 171–181
Improving labour standards for migrant domestic workers in Qatar: A return to labour rights
Abstract 319 | PDF Downloads 304Page 183–198