Published: 2024-01-22

The ANU Undergraduate Research Journal presents outstanding essays taken from numerous ANU undergraduate essay submissions. The breadth and depth of the articles chosen for publication demonstrates the quality and research potential of the undergraduate talent being nurtured at ANU across a diverse range of fields.

While ANU is widely appreciated for its scholarly production at the professional and postgraduate levels, less is known about the extent and the quality of research conducted by the university's undergraduate students. As we believe that this substantial share of the ANU community deserves attention, and that originality, commitment and entrepreneurship are qualities to be found across the whole academic body, we seek here to showcase an exemplary sample of the past year's undergraduate work.



Dominie Dessaix, Dilnoza Ubaydullaeva, Benjamin Kooyman
Abstract 75 | PDF Downloads 95

Page i-vi

Applying moral foundations theory to the 2019 Australian federal election

Angus S Padley
Abstract 122 | PDF Downloads 73

Page 8-15

Resisting change: Women and youth in a post-oil world

Lottie Croghan
Abstract 193 | PDF Downloads 151

Page 30-38

Austen embodied: Class and gender performances in Emma and Persuasion

Darcey Hoyle
Abstract 351 | PDF Downloads 589

Page 48-53

Van Gogh and ukiyo-e: The construction of an iconic aesthetic

India Fletcher
Abstract 120 | PDF Downloads 262

Page 72-81