Has the Spread of Western Values through Globalisation had an Impact on the Remarriage of Widows and Divorce in India?

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Tanika Sibal


Western values, Globalisation, India, Indian society, caste system, Bollywood


Amongst the many definitions and explanations of globalisation, one view is that globalisation encourages the spread of Western values around the globe. Globalisation has origins dating back to Christopher Columbus’ discovery of the Americas, and hence this process has manifested itself in a global setting for an extended period of time. In India specifically, it can be said that a significant spread of Western values – those values that are widely accepted in Western society, including divorce and remarriage – began in the 16th century, when the British first colonised India. However, more recently, trends across India are showing that society is changing its stance on the remarriage of widows, and the acceptability of divorce. Both concepts were once considered taboo in Indian society, however these issues are now being discussed and change has occurred at a legal level. I will explore whether globalisation – as the spread of Western values – has had an influence on this change in societal sentiment in India. Inherently, the caste system will be discussed, along with mainstream Bollywood media and the differing impact globalisation has had on different groups in Indian society.

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