Radiance: A Review

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Matthew Clifford


Rhoda Roberts, Lydia Miller, theatre, playwright, Indigenous, Aboriginal women, Louis Nowra


In 1991, when Rhoda Roberts and Lydia Miller went looking for a playwright to help redefine the role of Aboriginal women in theatre, they sought out the well-renowned nonindigenous playwright Louis Nowra. They asked for a theatrical effort that would showcase the emotional and intellectual depth of Aboriginal women and stand in stark contrast from the racial profiling of Aboriginals in theatre as drunkards or victims of abuse. Now, almost 25 years later, Leah Purcell’s revival of Belvoir’s original Radiance is an elegant, moving, and striking effort that unites by not just showcasing Indigenous issues, but by exposing the pain and struggles of the human experience; in particular the way we deal with the ghosts from our past.

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