Published: 2023-11-25

This volume of Field Studies in Ecology presents work that was completed during two Field Studies in Functional Ecology courses: December 2021 at Charlotte Pass, NSW in Kosciuszko National Park in the Australian Alps; and July 2022 in the Wet Tropics of Queensland where the course was split between the Daintree Rainforest Observatory in Cape Tribulation and Lake Eacham on the Atherton Tablelands. Students were undergraduates at the time the experiments were conducted.

This issue was edited by student-guest editors Pia Cunningham, Madeleine Bessel-Koprek, Kate Farkas, Grace Findlay and Zachary Trafford.


The effect of elevation on the timing of the dawn chorus

Teah Kneipp
Abstract 133 | PDF Downloads 111

The effects of Phoracantha-induced dieback on photosynthesis, respiration and estimated leaf nitrogen in Eucalyptus pauciflora

Elise Chua, Ayden Nicoll, Tali Bloomfield, Millie Boehm, Kate Farkas, Mina Kearns, Kylie Kiu, Eliza Martin, Rose Thompson
Abstract 189 | PDF Downloads 77

The effects of drought on the leaf-litter invertebrates of an Australian Wet Tropics ecosystem: the Daintree Rainforest

Madeleine Bessell-Koprek, Oliver Andrews, Emma Hibbert, Braedy Jaugietis, Tara Walker, Patrick Miller, Inga Mueller, Lauren Pay, Ava Thomas, Amy McEachern
Abstract 480 | PDF Downloads 227

Effect of drought on plant physiology, disease susceptibility and insect herbivory in rainforest saplings

Dmitry Grishin, Lillian Green, Maxwell Etherington, Ellie Lambden, Jaiden Lane, Lachlan Read, Hannah Peryman, Laura Bailey, Lillian Burless
Abstract 162 | PDF Downloads 105

Do dieback-affected Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp. niphophila have fewer roots colonised by ectomycorrhizae than healthy trees?

Grace Findlay, Elise Chua, Pavel Boer, Teah Kneipp, Yolanda Yao, Anna Zheng, Ayden Nicoll, Mei Davey, Millie Boehm
Abstract 176 | PDF Downloads 100